Global Edition

BAGCC members forge ahead in 2009

12.57am 27th May 2009 - Corporate

Members of the British Association of Golf Course Constructors (BAGCC) were buoyant about the future of golf course construction when they met for their Annual General Meeting recently.

Chairman Brian Pierson reported that membership had increased significantly with companies from Holland and Germany joining the group of construction professionals and suppliers.

In the past year, members have worked on a considerable number of contracts in the UK and further afield in Spain, Denmark, Sweden, France, Germany, Poland and Bulgaria with potential new prospects across Europe and the Middle East.

He also reported that his attendance at the European Golf Course Owners Association conference in Berlin had created interest from many European golf course clients and that discussions with architects from both the EIGCA and the American GCBAA could well lead to a greater BAGCC involvement in the expanding former Eastern Bloc countries.

Mr. Pierson also represented the association at the Organisation of Golf Range Operators (OGRO) seminar in West Sussex where he met with the group’s President, John Jacobs. The line-up of speakers kept the meeting informed, interested and entertained and culminated in the presentation of a lifetime achievement award to the ‘voice of golf’, Peter Alliss.

Mr. Pierson commented, “The general feeling of the membership is that although the recession is having an effect, members are overcoming the problems. The BAGCC is confident that more than ever, forward thinking golf clubs will turn to ‘The Construction Professionals’ when considering new or renovation works.”

The British Association of Golf Course Constructors was founded in the early 1970‘s to promote professionalism in the expanding market of new golf courses.

The Association’s membership criteria coupled with its Code of Practice ensures that clients receive personal and professional service to the highest standards through their construction project, with grow-in and long-term maintenance options always available.

British Association of Golf Course Constructors

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