The Danish software company GolfBox A/S will supply their new tournament software to the Austrian Golf Federation for the next three years.
“Seeing GolfBox’s live scoring capabilities in R&A and EGA tournaments this year got us interested in using it for Austrian Federation tournaments. The swift response to our request and project setup convinced us quickly and we’re looking forward to show integrated and innovative tournament information to Austrian golfers”, says Andreas Holzmüller, IT and Tournament Manager at Austria Golf Federation.
Since GolfBox released the new tournament software in the beginning of the 2014, there has been a massive interest from all over the world. Recently England Golf signed an agreement to start using the tournament software, the Swedish Golf Federation signed an extension of their agreement for 10 years and GolfBox joined a partnership with Golf Link to start offering the solution in Australia/New Zealand.
GolfBox CEO Christian Faergemann says the following about the recent success “We are very pleased to see that the strategy laid out 3 years ago is looking very successful – It was our hope that using our experience with tournament software, we would be able to create and develop software for everyone to use – not just Pro Tours, Federations/Unions but also the individual golf clubs”.
Christian Faergemann adds “Close to 36.000 tournaments were handled by the tournament software in the first year of operation and we really look forward to see what the upcoming 2015 season brings”.
GolfBox A/S is one of the major software suppliers on the European market and they service more than 900 clubs and many golf associations, among them are Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Belgium, France, England, Scotland and Wales. The tournament software is also used by The R&A and The European Golf Association.
GolfBox A/S www.golfbox.net/gbtour/en
Austria Golf Federation www.golf.at