Charterhouse Turf Machinery, in conjunction with dealers Ben Burgess GroundsCare, recently entertained over 80 groundsmen and greenkeepers at an open day at Thetford Golf Club. The day included a technical talk from the STRI and gave Turf Managers the opportunity to share best practices with other industry professionals, as well seeing several practical demonstrations from Charterhouse Turf Machinery and their products.
Four stations hosted talks and demonstrations on all areas of surface maintenance including aeration, scarification and topdressing. Antony Kirwan, Course Manager at Romford Golf Club attended the event and added, “It was a very well organised and well attended event. Walking round the various stations, it was great to see a large range of machinery in action, not just from Charterhouse but also BLEC, Rink and Graden. The various presentations and demonstrations covered all areas of surface maintenance – I found it a very worthwhile day.”
Nick Darking, Sales Manager at Charterhouse TM added, “We had a superb day for it weathewise, and would like to pass on a big thanks to Ben Burgess for getting a great crowd together and helping to deliver a comprehensive and informative event. We find these sorts of gatherings very worthwhile, not only being able to show what our products can really do, but also to spend some time just talking to our customers.”
Charterhouse Turf Machinery http://www.charterhouse-tm.co.uk/
Thetford Golf Club https://www.thetfordgolfclub.co.uk/