Global Edition

Golfshake enjoys record traffic as lockdown golf boom continues

2.25pm 17th June 2020 - Coronavirus NewsMedia

Golf website has reported record levels of traffic to its platform during the Coronavirus lockdown period.

The site, which reviews courses and equipment, as well as offering tour news, swing tips, travel content and a tee time finder service, surpassed 400,000 visitors in May, while traffic was up by over 60% up during the lockdown period, with over 85% of the audience coming from within the UK.

Since golf courses reopened in mid-May, the site has continued to attract significant views as UK golfers began playing again, with thousands of daily users visiting Golfshake’s Course Section and Tee Time Search Service in pursuit of somewhere to play, in addition to tracking their rounds on the Score Tracker service.

Rounds tracked by golfers on Golfshake have increased by over 85% over the last two weeks, a trend that has made the last eight weeks the busiest in the lifetime of the website from a content, course and score tracking perspective. users are using the site’s score tracking system in record numbers

Golfshake has also identified a change in behaviour among many golfers, witnessing a steady growth in midweek rounds, a fact that may reflect the effect of the UK Government’s furlough scheme and limits on other recreational activities, but there has been a clear demand for golf seven days a week, a fact that should provide encouragement for the wider industry.

/ users are using the site’s score tracking system in record numbers

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