During these times of uncertainty, it is refreshing to hear some positivity from the UK’s chief scientific adviser about playing golf during the coronavirus pandemic: “It is OK – if you keep a distance.”
This has since been echoed by England Golf. Read the full report from England Golf HERE
On this note, if your golf course is remaining open, Intuitive Edge Marketing has designed a video that all golf clubs can share on their own social media channels, website, emails, you name it
This helps get the message out there to those who can’t currently go to their gym, play football, rugby, etc that golf’s a great alternative for keeping fit and currently considered safe, and with a bit of luck this will generate more footfall and help replace lost function/membership/society revenue as a result of the outbreak.
Intuitive Edge invite golf operators to download the video and use it as they wish.
Exercise, socialising, fresh air and sunlight are vitally important and should not be forgotten during these difficult times. And what better way to get a dosage, then getting out on the golf course…