Global Edition

Tacit and Eagle unveil flags to enable clubs to support health services

1.19pm 13th April 2020 - Coronavirus News

Golf club suppliers Tacit and Eagle have produced a range of health service-branded flags that can be flown on flag poles and pin flags, with a percentage of the profits going towards the health systems in the UK and Ireland.

The flags support the National Health Service in the UK and the Health Service Executive in Ireland.

“As the ‘Clap For Carers’ event for NHS staff in the UK and for HSE staff in Ireland continues to gather momentum, golf clubs are looking to ‘Fly the Flag’ to recognise the outstanding work being done by healthcare professionals and other key workers,” said a spokesman. “Each Thursday at 8pm, people are showing their appreciation through applause and now golf clubs and can fly the flag on hole 18 to show their support for the NHS and HSE.”

“Tacit and Eagle have produced support the NHS and HSE flags that can be flown on the main flag poles and on pin flags. This is a great way for clubs to show their appreciation for the work that that health professionals are doing. For every flag sold, a substantial part of the profits will go to the NHS Trust and HSE, which can then in turn be used to purchase more personal protective equipment or emergency items such as ventilators.

“Every year, golf clubs and club captains do a fantastic job of raising money for charities and other very worthwhile causes, so if your club has not yet decided on its fundraising commitments for 2020, the NHS and HSE would be two great organisations to support.”

Tim Webb, CEO of Tacit and Eagle, commented: “The golf industry has a way of coming together to achieve many things and so I know that people will want to get behind this and show their support – please fly a flag to recognise the tremendous work being done and to help raise money for the NHS and HSE.”

For further information, or to order flags, call Tacit on 01788 568818 or visit or call Eagle on 01883 344244 or visit


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