The way you market for society golf packages is a lesson that is actually available writes Brandon Trimmer, Your Personal Marketing Assistant from Intuitive Edge Marketing
Imagine having a golf lesson that guaranteed to cut your handicap in half and what’s more its price was next to nothing compared to other golf lessons. You’d take that lesson, right?
Okay, let’s transfer that across to the way you market for society golf packages. This lesson is actually available and, writes Brandon Trimmer, Intuitive Edge have been rolling it out to a number of golf clubs over the last 6 months.
Last quarter, we generated an increase of over £23,000 (YOY) of society bookings for one client, and another 63 hot society leads for another – all from spending £25 with Facebook – crazy, right? It doesn’t stop there. They haven’t just collected the name and phone number of potential societies, they’ve dived even deeper to gain an understanding of exactly who their potential customers are, collecting:
✓ Their society name
✓ The number of golfers in their society
✓ How often their group plays per year
✓ Where they’re playing their next society
✓ What their normal society package consists of
✓ How much they normally pay for this package
✓ What their budget is per person
Here’s the advert that generated these results – it was seen by 11,354 golfers, had 50 shares and over 26 comments tagging friends and playing partners. If you want these kind of results, all you need is 3 basic fundamentals:
✓ A compelling society offer to get people’s attention.
✓ An advertising tool (Facebook) that lets you target your ideal customer, combined with a well-designed landing page.
✓ A sound sales process to follow up the leads and convert them into bookings
Whether you’re looking for green fees, societies, memberships, functions, or lesson bookings, Intuitive Edge support your club to steer the ship in the right direction by taking care of the marketing legwork for you. Harry Boyd, Co-Founder of Intuitive Edge, says: “Many think that the reason golf clubs are so far behind other industries with their marketing is due to a lack of ideas, or understanding of modern marketing methods. This isn’t true. Our clients all come up with fantastic initiatives, but they simply don’t have the resources, in-house, to be able to deliver the marketing campaigns to a decent standard – that’s where we come in.”
With a glowing portfolio of 17 golf businesses, Intuitive Edge’s unique and personal approach of ‘your personal marketing assistants’ has been helping relieve the workload from golf clubs for the last 3 years – taking away the stress and confusion from the expert areas of marketing. Clubs receive an experienced golf marketing assistant (at a fraction of the cost of a full-time member of staff) and receive better and more measurable results. With the season well underway, maybe it’s time to get an extra pair of hands on deck to support you with your marketing.
One thing’s for sure, if they ever invent a golf lesson that gets these kind of results, we’d be first in line…
Got Any Questions On Your Marketing?
You can speak to Harry between 9am-5pm, Mon-Fri, by visiting their website:
“Intuitive Edge’s help with our social media and email campaigns has been invaluable for our business. Not only have they helped us learn and understand what works best for our audience, but also how to use that knowledge to maximise our social media potential and generate incredible results from each campaign. It’s great to have a spare of hands on deck when we need them!” Wendy Wright, Marketing Manager, Maple Leaf Golf