When it comes to rough management, the team at the traditional links course of Luffness New GC at Aberlady, East Lothian reckon their Wiedenmann Super 600 has saved them huge amounts of time and effort. Last season they saved upwards of ten weeks which they hope to repeat when they start using their machine again shortly.
The Super 600 is a three-in-one flail mower, collector and verticutter. Extremely safety conscious, the in-cab remote control allows the operator to easily change the three operating functions – head unit lift and lower, hopper lift and hopper tip. In any of its modes it produces a high airflow which ensures that the collected material is well compacted.
Course Manager Dave Coull says: “It’s been a revelation compared to our last machine and others we tested. In the ten months since purchase we’ve done all the work we expected and then 50% again.”
“The beauty of the Wiedenmann machine is that you are not restricted by the weather. It performs really well in the wet or dry which means that you’re not hanging about waiting for bone dry conditions as we were before. We’re pretty close to 30 hectares of rough here which is a vast amount yet it’s been so straight forward to use. Everything about it has been easy. With the electronic controls, its robust build quality and it’s huge 4500 litre tank it’s just everything we wanted.”
Luffness New was established in 1894 and designed by Old Tom Morris and hosted final qualifying for the Open Championship. Dave Coull has managed the course for the last ten years along with his eight strong team. Wiedenmann dealer for Scotland Fairways GM supplied the machine with Area Sales Manager Stephen Muir on hand to co-ordinate the sale.
Luffness New GC www.luffnessgolf.com
Wiedenmann www.wiedenmann.co.uk
Fairways GM www.fairwaysgm.com