Global Edition

Golf Training Opportunities for October and November

8.03am 3rd September 2009 - Management Topics

The experts at STRI can make a difference to your prospects, providing you with training opportunities for golf course care and management.

All courses are structured to develop expertise. They challenge you to test your skills in a practical context through a hands-on workshop format with opportunities to engage in open discussions.

Content is delivered by the STRI Consultancy and Research teams, all leading experts with proven track records in their field. This ensures you will receive the latest information on new techniques, research and current issues surrounding your chosen subject.

All programmes are industry recognised and BASIS registered.  They carry accreditation for qualifying CPD points for IOG, BIGGA, The PGA, and the GCMA where relevant. Delegates will receive a Certificate of Attendance and a comprehensive training folder for each completed course.

Forthcoming courses of particular relevance are:

Integrating Ecology into Your Golf Course Management
A two day course held at STRI in Bingley. 14-15th October 2009

Understanding the Science and Management of Your Golf Course
Four one day courses held at STRI in Bingley covering:
• 2nd Nov     Grasses for Golf Courses
• 3rd Nov     Greens Construction and Irrigation
• 4th Nov     Nutrition- How to feed your Golf Course
• 5th Nov     Turfgrass Pests,Weeds and Diseases

For more details go to at Training or contact Helen Waite on 01274 565131.

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