Global Edition

Web solution to help clubs meet market challenges

8.59am 16th January 2009 - Corporate

Net72, an online systems specialist, has launched a new web based solution designed specifically for golf clubs which will help attract visitors and improve communications with members.

The launch follows extensive research into the market which shows that whilst the majority of golf clubs in the UK have identified the importance of their website, they are using out dated technology and failing to support it both in terms of time and money. Unsurprising 77% of those questioned are unhappy with the result.

Commenting, Charles Waud, co-founder of net72, said, “Following the boom in golf course construction due to the increased demand for golf in the late 1980s and into the 1990s, clubs are now finding themselves increasingly in the position of competing for members and for incremental green fee revenues.

“This is particularly tough in the current economic climate where everyone is looking to cut expenditure. Yet the majority are failing to maximise a vital and cost effective marketing tool – their website – and as a result are missing out on key opportunities.”

Net72’s dedicated solution for golf clubs enables members to keep in touch, informs them about forthcoming events lets them view their latest handicap and keep a record of how well they have done.

Existing back office systems can also be simply integrated where appropriate. It can also be used as a platform for other online marketing techniques such as low cost email communication, online newsletters and the promotion of non-golfing revenue generating items such as social and catering.

Over 100 golf clubs responded to the questionnaire. Highlights include:
• 80% of clubs have a website that was developed over 3 years ago
• 75% spent less than £3000 on the initial website build
• 92% spend less than £1,000 a year and less than one hour a week keeping the web site up to date and maintaining it.79% believe that the website is a vital marketing tool
• 54% do not have the facility to link the website with the Club’s administration system
• 62% are unaware of visitor traffic profiles.

“There is no doubt that there is a lack of investment relative to similar sized commercial concerns outside golf – they have invested less than the cost of two decent golf balls per member in what they have indicated, is a vital marketing tool. We also found that there in general seems to be a lack of skill or an internal ‘web champion’ within most golf clubs and a general lack of cohesive web strategy. Many clubs do not even have a secure member’s area where they can communicate quickly and cheaply,” concludes Charles.


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