PGA Golf Exhibitions is introducing the “Superpass” ~ a new cost-savings program for the 2011 PGA Merchandise Show, January 27-29, which provides Orlando hotel accommodations, breakfast & lunch buffet, dinner at top Orlando restaurants and roundtrip dinner transportation, for $200.00 or less per Show day. Show organizers have joined with Orlando destination hotel properties and restaurants to offer significant savings designed to create even more value in attending the global golf industry’s 58th annual business summit.
The Superpass program offers the option of three convention destination hotels, each with nightly room rates under $90.00. Breakfast and lunch buffet service at the Orange County Convention Center can be purchased for just $35 daily. Nightly dinners are available to Superpass attendees at top Orlando restaurants for $20.00. Additionally, round-trip dinner transportation is available from the Orange County Convention Center to dinner for $10.00 each day.
If an attendee were to take advantage of the entire Superpass program, the cost for hotel, all meals and dinner transportation daily is approximately $165 (including hotel tax). Attendees may select to participate in the entire program or select separate components.
“We worked diligently with the Orange County Convention Center, local hotels and the local business community to help reduce costs for our attendees this year,” said PGA Golf Exhibitions Senior Vice President Ed Several. “We are pleased with the new cost-savings because every dollar saved on expenses enables our attendees to support the industry and participate in a wide range of programs during PGA Merchandise Show Week.”
Superpass savings and details www.PGAShow.com/Superpass
PGA Merchandise Show www.pgashow.com