Global Edition

CONGU website relaunched

7.45am 8th April 2005 - Management Topics

The Council of National Golf Unions (CONGU®) is pleased to announce the re- launch of its Website CONGU® represents the four ladies‘ & the four men’s national unions/associations for handicapping in Great Britain and Ireland.
February 1st, 2004 was a landmark for golf handicapping with the introduction of the Unified Handicapping System (UHS) that, for the first time, uses the same system for ladies‘ and men’s handicaps. The objective of the new website is to promote greater understanding of the UHS and the principles behind it. This is achieved by publishing the system in full, linked to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ‘s) and explanations of the more important aspects.
The more common criticisms of the UHS are answered by the analysis of actual competition data in a ‘Myths and Misconceptions‘ section. The site contains items of interest for experienced administrators, golf club secretaries, club golfers and indeed for anyone who has an interest in golf handicapping.
By using the website golfers should develop a greater understanding of the handicapping process and the reasons behind it, which in turn will enhance their enjoyment of competitive golf. It is intended that the site will become the focal point where administrators and golfers will find the definitive answers to their handicapping queries. The site will be further developed with more FAQ’s and other items of interest included as the need arises.
Commenting on the changes to the website Kevin McIntyre CONGU® Secretary said, “The site has been professionally developed to enable easy access and navigation for both the dedicated web surfer and the more inexperienced internet user. The site will continue to be developed with the FAQ’s being added as required. I hope that the site will help club handicap committees in the administration of amateur golf in Great Britain and Ireland.”
Kevin McIntyre, Secretary, CONGU®, e-mail:

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