Global Edition

First European Turfgrass Conference is set for Italy

8.21am 7th February 2008 - Exhibitions & Conferences

To promote international collaboration at all levels within the turf industry, the First European Turfgrass Society Conference (ETSC) will address some of today’s vital issues. Based in Pisa, Italy the conference will run from Monday 19th to Tuesday 20th May, 2008.

Marco Volterrani, head of the ETS Conference organizing committee and president of the ETS, says, “Scientific and technical papers being presented which will include details of the latest innovations and current research being carried out throughout Europe. All those involved in the turfgrass industry will find tremendous benefit from sharing in this pool of knowledge.”

The comprehensive programme includes top presentations, together with a highly informative turf tour. The number of papers already submitted is nearing 100, which is an exceptional achievement for a first conference of any kind.

Three key European bodies; the European Turfgrass Society (ETS), Centre for Research on Turfgrass for Environment and Sports (CeRTES) and Asti Incentives and Congressi (AIC) have been instrumental in organizing this key event. Their aim is to unify the development of turf for sports, amenity and ornamental applications by creating this opportunity to access a Europe-wide base of knowledge and skills.

For those accompanying delegates a special programme has been designed to take advantage of some of Italy’s historic piazzas and churches, with a tour of the ancient city of Lucca on the Monday, followed by a half day tour of Pisa on the Tuesday – which meets in front of the famous leaning tower.

Benefit from special rates
Early registration for this key event is encouraged and a special rate of 250 Euros per delegate, 190 Euros for students, is offered to those booking before 28th February, 2008, (300 Euros / 240 Euros after 1st March).

Full information, including registration form, flights and hotels, is now available on the conference website:

For further information regarding registration, accommodation and payments contact: Dr Benedetta Armani: tel: +39 050 598808, fax: +39 050 598688 email:

European Turfgrass Society Conference

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