Global Edition

Wales Golf launches Sustainability Kickstarter Fund

2.50pm 13th April 2022 - Management Topics

Wales Golf is pleased to announce that the Sustainability Kickstarter Fund is now open. The application process, further information and resources can be accessed by visiting –

Wales Golf chief executive Hannah McAllister said, “This is a significant move in not just integrating sustainability into our new strategy, but in moving swiftly into effective and meaningful implementation and club support.

“We cannot wait to start receiving applications and seeing the imaginative ways our clubs intend to tackle this important area of work, along with the positive impacts on sustainability afforded by the different projects.

“These can be shared within the golfing and the wider community in general, showcasing golf’s contribution to sustainability.

“We are grateful for the impetus provided by our government partners and also the expertise and ready-made solutions provided by the GEO Foundation.”

The Kickstarter Fund is released as the first wave of funding opportunities for Welsh golf clubs with the Accelerator Fund due to be launched within the second wave during August 2022. The Kickstarter Fund will fund projects between £500 and £3,000.

Wales Golf is looking for clubs to be innovative in their approach to the subject and seek applications for projects which contribute positively towards one or more of the 3 key project areas.

This is not a definitive list, and individual requirements will be considered. Applications can also consist of more than one funded area:

1. Fostering Nature-

Habitat management / Pest or disease control / Renovation projects / Restoration and naturalization / Site protection / Species conservation / Sustainable drainage / Sustainable turf management

2. Resource Efficiency & Reducing Emissions –

Energy efficiency / Green transport / Renewable energy / Responsible purchasing / Reuse and recycling / Waste and material reduction / water efficiency / Water sourcing / Measure and reduce current impacts of carbon emissions

3. Strengthening Communities

Access and multi-use of club facilities / Community engagement / Diversity and inclusion / Education and volunteering / Golfer engagement / Health and Wellbeing / Partnerships / Staff engagement / Serving not only the community of golfers but the whole community in which the club sits.

The closing date for submitting applications is 14th May 2022.


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